Monday, November 15, 2010

Catch Up!

 I am sorry to my avid readers and followers, as I have neglected my page for a few days now.  We were in Saskatoon to see The Dog Whisperer, and had a busy 2 days of Christmas shopping and visiting with friends.  I started to blog on my BB a couple of times, but as luck would have it, I couldn't finish.  So I will try and make it up now.

Saturday night was excellent.  Caesar was so funny, but had a good message to the pet owners.  He had an excellent presentation.  It wasn't a show, as such, more then it was a seminar to teach.  He had some dogs and worked hi magic with them, and he had a message to everyone.  Mozart and Sophie have a long few weeks, learning Caesar's Way!!!

Our meals were pretty normal, except for the pre-show carbfest at Tony Roma's.  Damn Janna and her bar wings.  Of course, we decided to sample a few types, along with some ribs and salads.  Caesar salad, drenched in dressing.  Well, I ate my share of wings and had the salad.  I didn't have a drink, thank god........I am pretty sure that I didn't get to far off track, but it was so good good..........

We had breakfastt at Denny's the next day.  Total bust, in my opinion.  Food was not very good, cold and the service was slow.  To top it all off, I asked for a simple egg white omelet with cheese.  I was told there wasn't anything like that on the menu.  So they made a veggie omelet, as I suggested and they with held the veggies, and just had cheese on it.  And then charged me $1.00 more for the substitution.  Okay, I know that there wasn`t cheese on the veggie omelet, but there wasn't veggies either. What was the substitution????  I never said anything, but Denny's has never been a top choice of mine, and I am sure I won't be running back there anytime in the future.  We made it through the day of more shopping, and simple had protein bar for a snack, and a yogurt.  Supper was at home Sunday with a salad only.

I have been pretty happy with how everything has been moving forward.  My life style makes if a bit of a challenge to be on track 24-7, but I think I know enough about the process to adjust when needed.  I know there are restaurants who will accommodate and there will be some that won`t.  I just need to be better in picking the supporting ones.  I do worry about the 2 small gains I have had, but again I recognized where the mistakes were.  I just need to make sure that I get back to basics when I have an off day.  Better yet, maybe I just need to be stronger in my preparations and more focused on the right choices.  I wish I was as strong and committed to the exacts as Tom is.  He has been doing amazing.  He is committed to the program harder then it appears I am.  However, I am still losing the weight and still moving downward.  He and Wanda are coming this weekend and I can hardly weight to see them.  We haven`t seen them since the start of their program, so I anticipate 2 different looking people!  Maybe Tom will give me some encouragement, and give my azz a good kickin``

On the upside the pants Tom gave me are to big........I bought my 1st pair of 44 jeans on Sunday.  I do not remember the last time I wore 44 pants.  As in most of these changes, it would have been many many years ago.  Once my muffin top gets smaller, maybe a 2xl shirt will be in order.  Next week, I have 7 pairs of pants for Phoung to alter for me.  They need about 4-6 inch`s taken in.  Hopefully she can do it for me,or there will be a major purchase some where other then Big and Tall.

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