Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Weigh in Day

So...............look familiar??  It should.  That is the same weight that I was at 2 weeks ago.  For the last 14 days I have nothing to show for weight loss.  However, I am now taking up 2.5 less inches in the world today.  Am I disappointed??  Absolutely not.  After the last 2 weeks of Christmas parties, sampling and baking I would say that maintaining this weight is a big relief.  It wasn't that I was so out of control and not watched, I simply had more opportunity to not be married to the program all of the time.  As well, with being home from work for two week,s there were ample opportunities for me to decide that the boredom should be fed with food.  I never turned that way, which I am thankful for.  I can only imagine what the results could have been. 

I think that anyone who is struggling with weight understands that there is always that thought that I cheated and now I have to work that much harder.  I have always had that idea in my head.  However, Ideal Protein teach's you differently.  I tells you that you will fall and you will have the rewards or situations that you will enjoy yourself in.  That is not wrong.  The program invites you top enjoy that situation in moderation, and then simply get back on the program and not allow those carbs to be stored in your system.  Staying strict to the program for a couple of days after, will allow your body to eliminate the rewards with out sending it to your weight gain.  Enjoying the season is not a sin nor a cheat, it is reality, and we all have to deal with it.  Reward yourself, don't over do it, and the results will be noticeable in the end. 

Just as a note, from today.  I went out for lunch today with a friend.  We went to the Chinese buffet.  I stayed with the veggies and sampled a bit of the sweet and sour.  By the time 3pm rolled around, I was so tried and felt I had been hit by a truck.  Without question, that is the most carbs in one sitting I have had in 3 months, and now I know why I flt the way I did when I ate that bad stuff.  Man, I was bummed for 2-3 hours.  It was not a great feeling at all.  Thank god I wasn't operating any heavy machinery...........................

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