Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The 1st numbers

Here are my new meaurements as of 9AM this morning:

New Measurements                             Starting                              Difference

Neck - 18.75 "                                      19.5"                                     .75"
Shoulders - 51.5 "                                 53.5"                                    2.0 "
Arms - 15.25 "                                      17.35"                                  2.10"
Chest 54.5 "                                          56.25"                                  1.75"
Stomach - 58 "                                      59.5"                                    1.5"
Waist - 52"                                           53.5 "                                    1.5"      
Hips - 50"                                             53.5"                                     3.5"
Thigh - 26"                                            26.5"                                     .5"
Knee - 18"                                             19.75                                     1.75"
Calf - 18.75 "                                         18.5"                                    .5"
Ankle 10.5 "                                           10.5"                                    0

Total weight loss - 15.1 lbs and total inche's lost - 18.85"

I won't see alot of inch's loston my lower extremities.  My big loss will be from the waist up, and that's the important spots for me.

I am feeling really good.  I was so pleased when I saw the results, it was a great feeling.

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