Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm Back!

Sorry about the lack of posts to the blog, but my email connection from my Blackberry is not working to the blog.  Not sure why, but I am working on it.....

Happy New Year to everyone!!  I am so looking forward to 2011, and the new me.  I have been really lamenting about the program, and where I am at.  Tom has been my encouragement to make this think work.  he is nearing his goal, and I am excited for him.  He has lost almost 60 lbs and has just been so dedicated to the loss.  He has picked up steam and can see the end.  It`s his commitment that will keep me going strong.  I am 45lbs away from 100 and 25 lbs away from my original 265 loss goal.  I am so looking forward to the next level.

I have been out and trying on cloth`s.  I was in our mall the other day and visited the Men`s store for the very 1st time.  They had items for me to wear, and I spent a bit of time trying cloth`s on.  It was a great feeling, being able to do that.  I am starting to realize, with Laurel`s reminder, that I do not have to rush out and buy when I find something that fits.  I have the ability to `shop`and pick up what I need or want when I find it.  Right now, there is no need to find an item, but it in every colour there is available, and start looking for something else.  I could have bought about 5 or 6 coats that all fit in the last week, and a few shirts.  I did buy a pair of Docker`s pants just before Christmas.  They were on sale for $25 and not from the Internet.  Jeans are plentiful, and stylish.  How can I not be excited about the loss of weight and the freedom to shop.  Our warm weather trip is coming at the end of February.  It will be exciting to actually hit the stores and maybe find a few $10 golf shirts and pants.

Weigh in day is Wednesday................................

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