Saturday, January 29, 2011

If we defend our habits, we have no intentions of quitting them

I found the quote in the title on the Internet this morning.  It seems so fitting for someone who has always had an excuse for why or why not I do what I do.  It is as simple as just doing the opposite.  Instead of making excuses, we have to learn to tackle those habits head on.  It takes 15 days to form a habit, but months to break it.  So, looking at the habit of food, I have taken myself to my starting weight through habit, lack of willpower and just a don't care attitude.  Now, I have formed my new habits by using that same will power, commitment and just plain old stubbornness to get my life on the correct path.  It will not be easy to maintain the weight, but this program has been teaching me the right way, and how to make the right choices.  I will always have weight issues, no question.  But if I can understand how the weight effects me and when, then I can enjoy myself, my food and my life, with out the constant struggle to maintain.  I look forward to getting to maintenance and experiencing a whole new way of living healthy.

To my best buddy Tom.  I am so proud of you and achieving your goals.  Tom is just about ready for maintenance.  He has dedicated himself 100% to the program and getting the job done.  We have not seen him since November, so in  4 weeks when we see him and Wanda in Calgary's airport, he better have a sign on him and Wanda.  We won't recognize them.  And to Wanda, you are doing so well.  Keep it up.  You will get there.

Pictures are coming, I promise...............

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