I have been posting from my BB everyday, and it appears the email; issue is still not corrected. It appears that I will simply have to do it this way, from now on. Damn computers!!
I spent the weekend in Edmonton at golf association meetings. I was really amazed at the amount of people that had asked about my weight loss. As I spoke to more people about what I was doing, and how I have done, it became more apparent to me that I was succeeding. I still don;t see what others are seeing, because I still see that overweight and blob looking guy in the mirror. I still see the big belly and the stretch marks as I walk by the mirror. However, as I am seeing people I haven't seen for sometime, I am realizing the transformation is real.
I had supper with a personal trainer on Friday night who was amazed that she was supportive of the program. We talked about the radical nature of the program, but why it's radical. I have lived my life in a n extreme when dealing with food. It has placed me to where I am today. I now have to be radical in a different way, and this is what Ideal Protein is doing. Once I get to maintenance, then I will have achieved the balance I need to survive in a healthy lifestyle. She did say that if I could just do steady walking for 3 days of the week. It would be the best form of exercise I could do. She said running and jogging after 40, is not the best on the joints and body. For someone who has been heavy all his life, it's even harder on the system. Just walk and keep doing what I am doing was her recommendation.
I had a long chat with a young lady from Toronto, who's sister is heavy. she wanted to know how the program worked, and how I was finding it. We talked for 45 minutes. At the end of our talk she informed me she was once 300lbs. Today, she is 145. However, she indicated to me that she simply does not east, and when she does it is small amounts and usually just enough to get by. she often does not eat for a whole day and drinks coffee or tea. She looks unhealthy and knows she needs to make some changes. However she was worried for her sister. I offered up my email and phone number to her. I encouraged her to have her sister call me. I really hope she does, because it sounds like she needs some help, as I did.
The last two days I was in Regina. Once again, I had a lot of compliments, and questions. It was with people I have seen off and on in the lat 6 months. I think that some people were surprised I was still doing this. I do believe I surprised some people. I guess they will be real surprised when I hit the 100 lbs lost. I am 35 lbs away, and am going to work my best to get to the 245 mark by the end of summer.
Thursday weigh in is next. 2.5 lbs, will get me into the 270's..........................