Thursday, October 28, 2010

The next goal!

I made it..................I really did  ................299.1 and it's been 2 months today!!!!!

It was such a rush to look down and see those numbers staring back at me.  I have waited so long to see a number that didn't start with 3 and it was a bit emotional, but so very exciting.  Actually, I am not sure who was more excited, Lana or me.  I think both of us felt the need to jump around and scream a loud " Wholly F _ C K!!! (sorry).  The nifty cool thing was that Laurel had phoned at the almost exact minute that the numbers spun into the viewer.  Laurel got to hear Lana rambling a mile a minute and hearing me tell Lana I loved her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  LOL

I can't explain the feeling.  I don't remember ever feeling this way over my weight.  It seems almost ridiculous to be excited to weigh 300 lbs, but after 344, it's a major accomplishment.  And the fact that it's taking 8 weeks to do, makes it even more surreal.  Anyone with a weight issue feels so good after 5 or 10 lbs, because there is the accomplishment of succeeding.  At 25 there is a major change in the thought process, and realizing the work is worth it.  But at nearly 50, it now becomes one of the biggest events in your life.  I don't think anything, other then July 1st 1995, could compare to 9:45 am October 28th, 2010.  Not even playing golf at Glen Abbey was as big a memory as this will be.  I shared it with my staff when I got back to the office.  I think there was some genuine happiness for me.  I really love my staff, and wouldn't trade any of them for anything.  A few have commented on my accomplishments to date, and were very excited for me today.  Todd asked me when the last time I was under 300.  I really don't know, but I do not believe Laurel has ever known me to be under 300 lbs.  She may say different, but I truly do not believe she has.  If that's the case it's been 20 years or more.

So what's next??  I really don't know.  I have tried to pick a number to get to.  I am not sure what that will be.  I believe that I will target 265.  But 1st, I think 275 is the next step.  That's 24 lbs away, and 20 lbs less then the initial goal I had.  So, knowing that, I am excited to forge ahead to the next stage of a New Dave.  Along with the 25 lbs, I have to start getting regular exercise.  My budha is really staying in tact.  I know this will be the very last spot I will have to lose inch's on, but I am starting to get worried about the lack of results.  It will come, I am sure of that, but now I need to boost it on a bit.  So with my exercise team in place, I will start making a conscious effort to get moving more. 

Thanks to everyone who reads this blog.  I believe there are more then 17 of you, so I hope that I have inspired just one of you.  I have been getting notes and messages from people not registered as an Azz Kicker.  I so love these, because they help me moving forward.  However, if you wouldn't mind, please register so I really know how many people are following me.  I am excited about this whole journey and would love to know who is supporting me.  I don't have to know, I am just being curious!!  If your not interested in the Azz Kickers in the blog, my email is .  I would love to hear from you.

So.................................thank you all!!  I hope u have enjoyed the ride with me so far...........

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