Monday, October 4, 2010

Lucy, u got some 'splainin' to do.....

Okay, so my sister in lawe called today in a total panic.  She was reading the lat couple of posts, she thought I was already giving up on the process.  It took 15 minutes of explaining to her, exactly what I was trying to say.  It's hard to put into words the thoughts you are having and trying to share them with the world.

I was saying yesterday that it was the weekend from hell.  And it was.  But not in the way it may seem.  I never did anything that I shouldn't have done, other then maybe to much of the dressing drenched salads.  Really, the Caesar or greek salads overall could be allot worse.  I just have to remember to ask for the salad dressing on the side.  I get strange looks at Gus's when I ask for the village salad and dressing on the side.  Apparently it's an insult to the greeks.  Screw that!!!!  He takes my money at poker, so I need to pay him back some how.....................!  I make radical demands at his restaurant.

I am trying really hard to get that 299 by the end of October.  I have 4 weeks and need 3 pounds a week weight loss.  I know I will get there at some point, and I look forward to that moment.  The sooner the better.

For u salad lovers, buy the Kraft Olive Oil dressings.  They are pretty good, and really not to hard on the program.  My favourite is the feta greek.

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