Tuesday, February 15, 2011

One week later....

I made it back to work yesterday, after a long week.  My back was pretty sore.  I did make it back to the chiropractor for another treatment yesterday.  He was able to crack my hip to release the last of the pressure.  The spasms have stopped but the muscles are real sore.  I am still very stiff.  I am gently stretching to try and keep them loose.  I plan to get another massage later this week.  I just need to take it easy and loose.

I have been taking medication for the spasms and pain.  I have tried to keep the program front and center, but some of the pills reaction in my stomach resulted in the need to eat some not so planned items.  I had to put some dairy and grains into me.  I am not sure  how it will effect me weight wise, but I can tell you that it didn't take long to become sluggish after I ate.  I had about 1 cup of yogurt and 1/2 slice of whole grain bread.  With in the hour, I became drowsy and abit sluggish.  I think a combination of the meds and the carbs gave me the problem. 

So, once again I am preparing for the treadmill, and our holiday.  This time no running on treadmill till I know I am ready.  I will just walk quickly and at a higher incline.  As the weather is warming I can do more walking outside with Mozart and Sophie.  oh yeah, cool thing happened tonight.My cell phone rang.  A BC number was on the display.  I usually never answer it, but I thought it was our friends in Kamloops.  Well it turns out, I had a blast from the past.  A friend from Kindersley, who I have not seen in 12 years or more, and not had any contact with in over 4 years had logged onto FB and found me. She then followed my blog, and called the cell phone number from FB.  It was great to re-connect with her.  We talked for about 30 minutes and promised to stay in touch best we can via email.  We hope to get out to Fairmont to the timeshare this year, and if we do she is right there at Invermere.  I look forward to seeing her and her new husband!

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