Thursday, February 10, 2011

Celebrate your smallest of achievments

Every week, we have a visit from a friend who is doing the Ideal Protein program as well.  Each week, we are excited to hear about their accomplishments.  Last night, they had gained 1lb but had lost some inch's.  I can relate to their concern that they gained, but they were so focused on the gain that they forgot they actually lost some inch's.  Why is it we are so focused on the negatives we forget to celebrate the positive results.  Big or small, we have to remember to celebrate all of our positive results.  It doesn't have to be anything major, but go out and enjoy a meal, buy a blouse or simply go out and try on cloth's.  I am finding that the rewards, for a lack of better terms, have been helping me along my 2 lb weekly weight loss.  There is no question I want the weight to come off quicker,, but I am not doing the program exactly as it is laid out.  I enjoy extras in m y food, which is my celebration of accomplishments.  It's not everyday, but I do celebrate.  Let's face it, if we were to keep the plan as it is laid out, we will become bored with it, and when we're bored, what do we do??  Find ways to cut the boredom, and we eat or consume non boring foods.  Chocolate, peanuts or chips.  If our boredom consumption could be restricted to just a nibble, we may be able to get by.  But if your like me, put chips in front of me, and I will make sure there are none left to put away. 

So, go out and celebrate the accomplishments you achieve.  Be proud of the work you have done, and show off the pride you have in yourself and the feeling of being a winner!!

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