Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's been a long time since I have blogged anything here, or for that matter anywhere.  My last post was a negative post about my weight gain and how my struggles with trying to lose more weight was continuing.  Not a lot has changed since then.  I had taken the summer and basically just let things happen as they happened.  I decided that just allowing myself the chance to live with out the program, was an opportunity to see how things would go.  WELL.............over all I handled it pretty wellI think.  I had actually gained 11 pounds in about 3 months.  I went back to the program in September and lost 13 lbs.

So since then I have been up and down, and it seems I can't break there 275 lb mark.  I had achieved my lowest weight of 273.4, but can't crack that limit.  I have tried and struggled.  Lana has said, taking a break and going back is a hard thing to do.  Well, I know that now!!!!!!!  I should have  No, I am happy I did what I did, and tried the rest period.  It really showed me that if I do spring up, I can use the program to get back on track.  I had a long talk with Lana today, and I think I am ready to start taking this serious again.  It was Lana that suggested that the blog be restored.  It seemed that as long as I was making myself accountable, I was able to be successful.  So, here I am.......

Thanks for checking in.  Send me a note anytime you want, comments are welcome.  Lana is going to do some posting here as well, and I am hoping she will encourage followers to continue and find some sort of support in what I am doing.  This is a great program, and Lana is next to a goddess............well, at least someone who I admire and respect to the max!!!!  Any of her talks with me have always been positive and inspiring.  I hope she can help others as much as the people who have her as a mentor now.

By the way the pic is from November 19th ............

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