Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm back................

Here we are at the Foothills Golf Club in Phoenix.  This was the 1st round of golf that we played on our holiday.  I will add some other pictures later, as well as add to my Facebook account.

We returned to reality a week ago today.  I weighed myself, and was not surprised to see an 8 lb gain while we were away.  That`s not bad considering that I pretty much left Ideal Protein behind, and just let the food happen.  I never made any real attempts to make sure I had something specific, but I also didn`t make sure I was only eating low carb.  We ate allot of protein bars for snacks, as well as meals.  We were so busy that it seemed that we only ate in the morning and then at night.  I made sure salad was added daily, and then after that my protein varied.  I did eat french fries once, but I gorged on the big pretzels!  They are my favourite.  Not only that, I would say that everyday we had Starbucks or Cold Stone ice cream.  So, can you see why, I gained 8 lbs........

As of Friday morning, my new weight is 281.7.  That is 2 lbs higher then I was when we left.  We returned to the program, and have been gradually making it the norm.  It`s interesting to feel your body returning to a low carb menu.  I have some of my cravings back, and have been fighting them all week.  I would suggest that the added treats on holidays has awaken the savage cravings that were locked away.  I just need to get through the next few days, and I should be good.  Officially, I have 36 lbs to lose, to make the 100 lb weight loss.  With golf starting soon, and the summer upon on us, I think I can get it done by my 1 year anniversary on the program.  It would be a great accomplishment!

I was really happy to see that I could enjoy a non-controlled food holiday, and not gain an insane amount of weight.  My inch`s were increased as well, but as I lose again those inch`s will come off.  The shopping experience was amazing, in that I am learning that I don`t have to buy everything right away.  My shirts range currently from an xl to a 3 xl.  My pants are 42 or 44.  My chest is now a 49, down from 63.  If I can get the belly fat heading down more, then I see xl large shirts in my future.  I did discover, as well, that my feet are smaller.  My golf shoes are to big now.  I had to buy runners as well, and they went from a 10.5 wide to a 10 wide.  That is just plain weird!

Below is our very best friends, traveling companions and program buddies.  They look phenomenal!

Tom, the pencil neck geek, has lost nearly 80 lbs.  As of today, he lost another 5 lbs since we have returned home.  I wish I had his metabolism!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave, Pencil Necked Geek here. Keep it up, focus on the goal and you will get there. That's all that I did and soon I will be going to the next level. As soon as I can level out at the 90% mark.
    Just so you know, it was a wonderful trip and both Wanda and I are looking forward to the next one.
