Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Evening August 29th 2010

So, today was a bit of a tough day.  Really hungray most of the afternoon.  Lots of water and my snack helped me through the day.  It gets easier after 4 or 5 days, so a few days of the "feeling" will be okay.

I have started a new eating process called Ideal Protien.  The process is pretty simple.  We buy food from a consultant.  The food is very high protien and no carbs.  I eat the packets 5 times a day, for the 1st week.  It includes select vegetables at lunch and supper, and also include real protien at supper.  There are some vitamins that accompany the food.  Unlimited lettuce is the key to being full. 

For anyone interested in the process, go to

or do a Google search.  There is a few good articles.

I am not planning a detailed menu every day to share with you.  That's to much information!!!!!!! 

Okay, thanks for checking in.  Tomorrow is day 3 and the 1st day at work with the new lifestyle.  I hope it isn't a baking day!



  1. One of my favorite inspirational quotes...

    Momentum can be difficult to establish. And that's what makes it so valuable.
    Because once you have it going in your favor, momentum can be hard to stop. With momentum on your side, small efforts can bring big results, and those big results can lead to even bigger ones.
    Yes, momentum takes some effort and commitment to put into motion. And it is very much worth the trouble.
    Take the time and make the effort to start something positive. Even though, in the short term, it would be easier and more comfortable to just do nothing, look past those immediate concerns.
    Look ahead to that point where momentum kicks in, and consider the value of putting it to work in your favor. Then get up, get going, and get to work on building that momentum.
    Start something positive, and create some valuable momentum. You'll be able to ride that momentum as far as you can imagine.
    -- Ralph Marston

    I hope this helps you on your journey, Good luck:)

  2. Well Dave, I truly wish you all the best of luck on this venture. I do hope it will inspire me to take the same kind of action, as like you, I hope to spend many more quality years with my bestest lady. Take care my friend, and all the luck to you. I will be following you closely.

