Sunday, August 29, 2010

The start

Yesterday, August 28th 2010, I made the 1st step towards my new life style.   As I move forwad in my journey, I plan to share my day to day living.  I want to post updates of my weight and the style changes I have made.  I will be posting photos, and trust me the 1st couple are not that pretty, so that the progress will be secured in time. 

This is the 1st post to my newly created blog.  Later, I am going to post my sarting weigh tand measurements, along with a photo.  I will blog in my weekly weight and measurements.  I will also provide to you my weight goal in the future.

Your comments and suggestions are much welcome amd needed.  This is my 1st attempt at blogging, so I hope you find this life style change a place you may feel encouraged or motivated.  Thanks Candace, for your kind words in our Friday email.  I hope that inspration will be only part of the process!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Unca Dave! Way to go with taking the first step. Good luck! I'll be thinking about you and praying for your success - you can do it! Looking forward to future posts and progress.
